June 5, 2015

Tips for Effective Time Management

As I mentioned in my previous post, the past couple of months have been extremely busy for me.

I had a lot of tests, presentations, projects, papers, and speeches for all my classes. Additionally, I was working on wrapping up my research for the semester and getting a poster ready to present at a research conference. Then there were finals. Because all my time was taken by the aforementioned, I had to prioritize my time and give up some non-essential activities, blogging unfortunately being one of those.

Now that everything has settled down for me, I want to share some tips with you on how I managed my time. Without time management, I would not have been able to get it all done.

1.) Once a week, set aside time to plan out the upcoming week

2.) Write a to-do list of everything that you want to get done for the week.

3.) Prioritize the list

4.) Begin dividing the tasks among the days of the week, starting with the high priority tasks.

5.) If you do not have time for all the tasks, you will need to determine which tasks can either be moved to the following week or dropped all together.

6.) Now write down everything in your planner.

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