December 30, 2014

Goodbye 2014! An Overview and Reflection of the Year

This year has been full of change for me, both good and bad. I transferred from my two year community college to a 4 year university. I moved to a new town. I lost loved ones and found new friends. Through the stress and grief that 2014 brought me, I gained more determination, discovered a new outlook on life, and learned to accept that somethings are out of my control.

The strongest people you know can also become the weakest people you've met. And people who have always seemed invincible to you will eventually pass from this world. But this is how life works, and it is okay.

Despite the pain of the year, 2014 somehow still manages to also be the best year of my life. Not only did a debt free education become a reality for me, but through the scholarship I received I have also become part of an amazing foundation and community of friends.

I am grateful for everything that 2014 has had to offer me. Even the darkest of moments have the ability to transform you for the better.
I look forward to the New Year and believe 2015 will only bring more amazing moments and opportunities to learn and grow.

I hope 2014 has treated you well and the new year will bring even more wonderful moments.


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